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So You Want to learn to Line Dance

Where should you go ?

A class run for solely for Absolute Beginners would be the ideal way to introduce you to Line Dancing however this is not always possible.   At Steps we welcome Beginners and will recommend a suitable class for you.   You might feel a little daunted the first time you go to a class but you will find that, even if you arrive on your own, you'll soon be chatting to someone.   On the whole Line Dancers are renowned for their friendliness.     

Do you need previous dance experience ?

If you've danced before then your used to listening to timing & beat.   If you have not, you will soon learn, given practice & encouragement.

What should you wear ?

The key is COMFORT!! Western wear is NOT compulsory - Footwear that gives ankle support is very important.   High heels, sling backs, flip-flops etc. are not suitable footwear for line dancing.   Smooth soled shoes or boots with a minimum heel that give you ankle support are ideal and will reduce the risk of injury. 

What happens when you get to your first class ?

We all know from our school days that the naughty kids choose the back of the class !!    If you are new to line dancing it's far better to be at the front of the class where you can easily see and follow the instructor.   If you stay at the back you will find that when dances change direction - facing a "new wall" as it's called - you will find no one in front of you !

Getting started.

A Word Of Warning!   The first class may leave you feeling totally confused or even brain dead - don't worry! Everyone in the class has been in that same situation and knows exactly how you feel - even the Instructor !!  The majority of people take several weeks to completely master a dance - so don't ever think you're a hopeless case and give it up as a bad job!   Stick with it and after a few weeks you will wonder what the fuss was all about!   Practice and perseverance are neccessary.   Keep smiling and accept that in the beginning your dancing will be more 'wrong than right'.  'Rome was'nt built in a day '!

What are all these terms and phrases about ?

Line Dancing has it's own 'language' and phrases like 'Grapevine (Vine)', 'Coaster Step', 'Shuffle', 'Sailor Step', 'Kick Ball Change', and 'Jazz Box' will be commonly used.   See the section 'Basic Line Dance Steps' which will reveal all !   You will soon remember the move and in doing so a part of the dance will be committed to memory.   If you want to practice at home that's fine.   As we all know, practice is important and can help tremendously - but it's not compulsory. 

Your Instructor will want you to learn the dances and enjoy them as much as they do.   However, every instructor teaches differently and whilst they understand what they are asking you to do, it may not be said in a way that you can easily comprehend.   Don't be afraid to speak up and tell them you don't understand - they are on your side!

What if you don't seem to be making progress ?

Stick with it - it isn't a race against the clock !   Everybody learns at a different pace so don't worry if your in the 'slow lane'.   The main thing is that you ENJOY yourself.   If your having fun it doesn't matter at what speed you learn.   Have patience- it will take time to learn the steps and the new dances.

A few tips.

Never rely solely on your 'eyes' to learn a dance !!  List to your Instructor and try to do what they are teaching you without constantly watching others around you.   Like you they are learning the dance and if they make a mistake so will you !!   If you go wrong during a dance don't give up - wait for a few beats, follow others around you and join in again when you are ready.   Once you have turned to a new wall it is far easier to be guided by other dancers around you rather than trying to break your neck by looking over your shoulder to see the instructor.

Chester.   07519  818112
Last Update  27-01-2025
Sharon.     07999  589824
Rhiannon.     07842 792050
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