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Where a right or left is described, the term for the position is normally addressed first with the direction, e.g. Right Side By Side or Left Side By Side.

a.k.a.  Steeple, Cathedral,  Hook

Right:   Partners face in the opposite direction.   The right arms are hooked at the elbows.   The Left hands are joined above their heads in an arch.   The right hands may be joined and held at the left sides. 

Left:   Partners face in the opposite direction.   The left arms are hooked at the elbows.   The Right hands are joined above their heads in an arch.   The right hands may be joined and held at the left sides.   

a.k.a.   Yoke, Neck Cross

Right:   Partners face the same direction, lady is to the man's right. Using a double hand hold, his left arm is crossed behind his neck.   His right arm is crossed behind the lady's neck.

Left:   Partners face the same direction, lady is to the man's left. Using a double hand hold, his right arm is crossed behind his neck.   His left arm is crossed behind the lady's neck.

a.k.a.   Shine

Partners face each other.   They are standing apart.   There is no body contact.


Country Western:   Partners face, with toes pointed towards each other.   The man holds the lady's right hand in his left (shoulder height).   His right hand or wrist rests on the lady's left shoulder, or on the back of her shoulder.   The lady's left hand rests on the man's upper right arm, or slightly behind his shoulder, with fingers and thumb held together.

Ballroom:   Partners face, with toes pointed towards each other.   The man holds the lady's right hand in his left (shoulder height).   His right hand is placed on the lady's left shoulder blade.  The lady's left hand rests on the man's upper right arm, or slightly behind his shoulder, with fingers and thumb held together.


(Elbows are always equal in both right and left positions.)

Right:   The couple face the same direction, lady is slightly in front of the man's right hip. The man's right arm is crossed behind the lady's back.   Their right hands rest on the lady's right hip.   The lady's right hand may also be held behind her back.   Their left hands are held in front of the man at chest level.

Left:   The couple face the same direction, lady is slightly in front of the man's left hip. The man's leftt arm is crossed behind the lady's back.   Their left hands rest on the lady's left hip.   The lady's left hand may also be held behind her back.   Their right hands are held in front of the man at chest level.


Dancers are in single file.   Lady is in front.  Use a double hand hold.  Their joined hands are on the lady's shoulders.   The man may also be in front of the lady using this hand hold.


Partners face each other.

Single;   Man's left hand is joined with the lady's right hand.   The free hands are held close to the body.

Cross:   Man's right hand is joined with the lady's right hand ( as in a handshake).   The free handsare held close to the body.

Double:   The lady's right hand is in the man's left hand.   The lady's left hand is in the man's right hand.

Crossed Double:   The lady's right hand is in the man's right hand.   The lady's left hand is in the man's left hand.   Either hand may be on top.  However, Right hands on top is the most common.  


Right:   The couple are in the Open Dance Position.   The lady is to the right of the man.   The lady's left hand is held in the man's right.   They are facing the same direction, both travelling down the line of dance. 

Left:   The couple are in the Open Dance Position.   The lady is to the left of the man.   The lady's right hand is held in the man's left.   They are facing the same direction, both travelling down the line of dance. 

a.k.a.  Banjo, Sidecar

Right:   From Closed Dance Position the man steps forward and slightly to his left (outside) to place the lady into the Right Parallel Dance Position.   They face each other, but the lady is to the right side of the man.   Her right foot is slightly in front of the man's right foot.   They should be the same width apart as they were in the Closed Dance Position.   Although the couple have moved slightly sideways, the man's left arm and the lady's right arm are still in the same place as they were in the Closed Dance Position.

Left:    (Closed Dance Position)   The couple face each other, but the lady is to the left of the man, in Left Parallel Dance Position.   The lady's foot is slightly in front of the man's left foot.   They should be the same width apart as they were in the Closed Dance Position.   The man's left arm and the lady's right arm are in about the same position as they were in the Closed Dance Position.  The Lady should not be directly beside the man.  

a.k.a.  Hammerlock, Tamara

 Right:    Partners face the opposite direction using a double hand hold, her right hand is in his left hand, her left in his right hand.   The lady is slightly in front of the man on his right side.   The man's left arm, and the lady's right, are held up, elbows down.   His right arm, and the lady's left arm are crossed behind the lady's back. 

 Left:    Partners face the opposite direction using a double hand hold, her right hand is in his left hand, her left in his right hand.   The lady is slightly in front of the man on his left side.   The man's right arm, and the lady's left, are held up, elbows down.   His left arm, and the lady's right arm are crossed behind the lady's back. 

a.k.a.  Conversation, Semi-Open

From Closed Dance Position, the man and the lady step forward in a "V" position down the line of dance.


Dancers are in single file.   Lady is behind the man.   The man uses a double hand hold.   Their joined hands are held together, placed behind the man's hips.   The lady may also be in front of the man using this hand hold. 

a.k.a.  Sweetheart, Cape

(Elbows are always equal in both right and left positions.)

Right:    Partners face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's right side. The Lady's left foot is slightly in front of the man's right foot.  The right hands are held slightly forward of the lady's right shoulder.  The left hands are held slightly in front of the lady's left shoulder.     

Left:    Partners face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's left side. The Lady's right foot is slightly in front of the man's left foot.  The left hands are held slightly forward of the lady's left shoulder.  The right hands are held slightly in front of the lady's right shoulder.     


Right:   The couple face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's right.  The man holds the lady's right hand in his right hand, and the lady's left hand in his left.  The arms are crossed right over left and are held at about waist level.

Left:   The couple face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's left.  The man holds the lady's right hand in his right hand, and the lady's left hand in his left.  The arms are crossed right over left and are held at about waist level.

Reverse Right:   The couple face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's right.  Their arms are crossed behind their backs.   The right hands are on the lady's right hip, the left hands on the man's left hip. 

Reverse Left:   The couple face the same direction.   The lady is on the man's left.  Their arms are crossed behind their backs.   The right hands are on the man's hip, and the left hands on the lady's left hip.


The couple stand in the Promenade dance position.   The man's right hand is on the lady's back on her left shoulder blade.   The joined hands are held lower, about the lady's waist level, in a cup & pin position.

a.k.a.  Shadow

The lady stands directly in front of the man.  The man holds the lady's left hand in his left hand, mid chest to shoulder level.   Man's right hand is on the lady's right hip, fingers together, pointing to the lady's left side.   The lady places her right hand on top or under the man's right hand.   Their right hands may also be placed at the lady's centre waist. 

a.k.a.  Cradle, Cuddle, Basket

 Right:    Partners face the same direction.   The lady is slightly in front of the man on his right side, with her left foot slightly in front of the man's right foot.   Using a double hand hold, the man's right arm is wrapped around the lady's back.   Their joined hands rest on the lady's right hip. The man's left arm is crossed in front of the lady.

 Left:    Partners face the same direction.   The lady is slightly in front of the man on his left side, with her right foot slightly in front of the man's left foot.   Using a double hand hold, the man's left arm is wrapped around the lady's back.   Their joined hands rest on the lady's left hip. The man's right arm is crossed in front of the lady.

Chester.   07519  818112
Last Update  27-01-2025
Sharon.     07999  589824
Rhiannon.     07842 792050
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